Browsing All posts tagged under »Religion and Spirituality«

Lessons from 10 Years of Writing / Blogging

November 2, 2015


Why am I not blogging more? This is a question I have asked myself several times over the last few months. I know the answer. It is a good answer. But it still makes me sad. For the longest time, my blog used to have the following text in big font: “The answers to life […]

What My Facebook Friends Don’t Know About Me

August 16, 2015


I have a toxic relationship with Facebook. It is the bane of my existence. I go off it several times a year and for weeks on end. But I always come back. What I know is, the time off from Facebook, finds me happier and more productive. I feel proud of myself as I am […]

The Best Religion in the World

December 14, 2014


Most people know the best religion in the world: THEIR’S! To me, most religions seem like competitors in a high-stakes championship. I am going to try and summarize all the issues I have with religion in as little space as I can, considering each of these would be (and are) epic-sized theses on their own. […]

Letter to a 15-year old forced hijaabi (wearing a veil)

October 8, 2014


Context: Last year, I wrote a post, “On the Hijaab (Veil), Topless Jihad, etc.” The basic premise of this post was to assert that forcing someone to take off their veil is as bad as telling someone to wear their veil. I was merely trying to provoke a thought process by which we examine what we, […]

The Outcome of Education

December 4, 2013


When we think about education, we immediately think about a few things – literacy, school, degrees, professions and money. If you’re somewhere in the U.S., you’ll be thinking student loans and debt as well. After all my experiences, now when I think of education, I think of quality of life, civic sense, open-mindedness, cultural sensitivity, […]

My Introduction to God in Spanish

June 16, 2013


I spent the last week in the small, remote village of El Progresso in El Salvador. I was part of an 8-member team from Willow Creek Community Church, Chicago, that went to work on a school project in this village in the mountains, untouched by Facebook or the internet. Working at this school came close […]

My Favourite 20 Minutes of the Day

September 16, 2010


In an ideal world we would all have time to reflect – a few minutes for ourselves away from the hullabuloo of daily lives. But in the real world, we have to make time for ourselves. When there’s so little time for ourselves, where is the time to invest in relationships…get to know your spouse, […]

The Rabbi

October 6, 2008


Sobbing inconsolably a young woman sat, In a space she thought her own, Away from the world and its prying eyes, She let herself cry freely and mourn. And in a moment of unbearable pain, She called upon God, His heavenly name, Asking for deliverance and forgiveness galore, But instead she found an old man […]

Reach Your Balance. Find Your Core.

Highland Mindfulness Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC050141

Dalit Nation - The Only Authentic Voice of Dalits

Dalit Nation the Voice of the Dalits

The Curvy Yogi

Redefining Wellness

Crutches and Spice

Disabled. Loud. Proud


The Yoga & Reiki Studio

Dementia: Sharing The Good Times

Don't let dementia spoil your life.

When The Fog Lifts

Living with Dementia, rights and advocacy

Woman, Interrupted

"We're all mad here" - Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland


Mind too spins on its own axis between the day and night. There's no wrong or right side.


Lessons and love from Alzheimer's World

Sincerely Kate

The Obsessive Blog of a Compulsive Pen Pal

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A Collaborative Mental Health Blog

Unity Mindfulness

Coaching | Counselling | Consulting

Diary of a Not-So-Angry Asian Adoptee

Mom, wife, adoptee, advocate, former HuffPost contributor, and somewhat self-deprecating and neurotic goofball.


Dabbles in writing, loves music and nature. Sierra Leonean

Joint Purpose

Living With Joint Pain

Skillfully Well & Painfully Aware

Living skillfully well with chronic conditions

Maranda Elizabeth

To be true to my own weirdnesses.

Hey WriterGrrl!

Still classy, brassy, and sassy after all these years

The Catalysts for Change

Bringing awareness to mental illness and sexual assault

A Moreno Blogs

Seeking Stories. Discovering pamana.


Everything Matters

Pigs, Figs & Higgs

Making it up as I go.

Damyanti Biswas

For lovers of reading, crime writing, crime fiction

Kate Swaffer: Creating life with words: Inspiration, love and truth

Pies Lies And Thighs

A long term travel blog full of stark reality, hilarious cynicism and beautiful escapism.


learning to go with the flow by going against the tide

Under Reconstruction

Hope isn't an emotion, but a daily choice.