Browsing All posts tagged under »mumbai«

The Grass is Greener on My Side

March 27, 2012


This is a post about gratitude. In the last few days, I have spoken to a few close friends about this at great length. The basic premise is that there is no horrible situation that you and I can be in that does not have a positive side. Or more simply, “It could have been […]

Learning from a Recovering Drug Addict

August 10, 2011


I am one of those people who believes everyone has something to teach us. And truly, I have learned from the most unexpected people. During my days as a student social worker, I was placed at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Mumbai. The setting was depressing. We came across people who were depressed […]

Fair Trial? Who For?

April 19, 2009


Note: I am not well-versed with Politics, the write-up below is based on my deductions and common sense…let’s say they’re musings…reader discretion advised. How many people saw Ajmal Kasab weild the beautiful gun on that fateful evening in Mumbai? Hundreds? At least! How then is it possible to give someone like this a FAIR TRIAL? […]

Ode to the Twilight

October 17, 2008


As I looked sun ward by the sea side, I saw the yellow-red ball and the orange-pink skies, A thought came to me, as I stood mesmerised This could be a sunset or it could be a sunrise! I watched standing still as I knew it wasn’t long, Before the spell broke and night or […]

Reach Your Balance. Find Your Core.

Highland Mindfulness Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC050141

Dalit Nation - The Only Authentic Voice of Dalits

Dalit Nation the Voice of the Dalits

The Curvy Yogi

Redefining Wellness

Crutches and Spice

Disabled. Loud. Proud


The Yoga & Reiki Studio

Dementia: Sharing The Good Times

Don't let dementia spoil your life.

When The Fog Lifts

Living with Dementia, rights and advocacy

Woman, Interrupted

"We're all mad here" - Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland


Mind too spins on its own axis between the day and night. There's no wrong or right side.


Lessons and love from Alzheimer's World

Sincerely Kate

The Obsessive Blog of a Compulsive Pen Pal

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A Collaborative Mental Health Blog

Unity Mindfulness

Coaching | Counselling | Consulting

Diary of a Not-So-Angry Asian Adoptee

Mom, wife, adoptee, advocate, former HuffPost contributor, and somewhat self-deprecating and neurotic goofball.


Dabbles in writing, loves music and nature. Sierra Leonean

Joint Purpose

Living With Joint Pain

Skillfully Well & Painfully Aware

Living skillfully well with chronic conditions

Maranda Elizabeth

To be true to my own weirdnesses.

Hey WriterGrrl!

Still classy, brassy, and sassy after all these years

The Catalysts for Change

Bringing awareness to mental illness and sexual assault

A Moreno Blogs

Seeking Stories. Discovering pamana.


Everything Matters

Pigs, Figs & Higgs

Making it up as I go.

Damyanti Biswas

For lovers of reading, crime writing, crime fiction

Kate Swaffer: Creating life with words: Inspiration, love and truth

Pies Lies And Thighs

A long term travel blog full of stark reality, hilarious cynicism and beautiful escapism.


learning to go with the flow by going against the tide

Under Reconstruction

Hope isn't an emotion, but a daily choice.